Apr 20, 2009


out of tea, buy more
phone almost out of minutes, buy more
printer out of ink, buy more
brush teeth NO TOOTHPASTE?!?! buy more
car in shop, walk errands
break personal rule that men should never expose their feet in public
stinging caterpillars falling from trees, (the sidewalks are crawling with them)
avoid contact with skin*
*flip-flops were a bad choice
take the Magazine St. bus to The Idea Village
help Joanna assemble IKEA file cabinets
call Andre in Nashville
go to Rue de la Course for coffee and kill time online
buy airfare to Maine for mid-July
listen to Pandora
contemplate starting a record store
write a business plan
catch the bus home
take off caterpillar encrusted flip-flops at the door
brush teeth- still no toothpaste, buy more
search for song by Rare Bird, entitled 'Beautiful Scarlet'
fall asleep with laptop, hope it doesn't fall on the floor (again)

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