Feb 17, 2009

Things Already Done Tonight

1. Dismantle the broken DVD player Bob gave us in case it died preggers
2. Find Simpsons dvd within, rejoice at good fortune
3. fluff the rice
4. pull the blinds
5. blow German Shepherd hair out of DVD player chassis
6. put DVD back together again and hope it works
7. take it out with the trash if it doesn't
8. it doesn't.
9. ...I'll take the trash out tomorrow.
10. Check in at nightly to do lists

Feb 10, 2009

gila - beach house

1. choke back this coffee
2. writewritewrite
3. talk about photos, look at photos
4. color correct
5. invent web-site making robot
6. wait for the premiere... !!!

Feb 4, 2009


1. Start a brand new day.
Still a miner.
Grasping at glimpses.
Great morning, Neil Young.
2. work at the bakery till 2.
3. buy new shooooooeesss!
4. "Hello, Dolly!" ? Name of lamp series? ha. maybe.
5. Wish I hadn't picked up a Vane shift... because now i have to miss Tyler's basketball game. again. I'majerk.
6. Vane 5-close.
7. Start a brand new day.
Still a miner.
Grasping at glimpses.
8. Symmetry. and even numbers.